One of the nice features about iPhoto was the ability to add preset soundtracks to slideshows of your photos. If you’ve hidden photos of someone you’ve hidden using Faces, those photos will also now appear under Faces. When you import your iPhoto library, they will now appear under All Photos or iPhoto Events in Photos. Photos does not support importing hidden photos from iPhoto. If you have hidden photos in your iPhoto library, then they will be unhidden in Photos. If you frequently use a third-party app to edit iPhoto photos, then you’re best holding off migrating to Photos for now. In iPhoto, you can use Photoshop or Pixelmator to edit photos but there’s no way to access Photos with an external editing application. There’s no way to edit images in Photos with a third-party app. It’s a bit of a long way round compared to iPhoto but it does work. Which then gives you the option to Reveal in Finder using EasyFind: This means that when you CMD click or right click on an image in Photos, there is an option to open EasyFind via Services The easiest solution to this is to use a third party applications such as EasyFind which integrates with OS X.
#Houdahgeo windows full
This does not exist in Photos which is quite frustrating for those that like full control over their physical files instead of having an app take control of them. In iPhoto, this was simply a case of going to File and then Reveal in Finder.
#Houdahgeo windows mac
There’s no easy way to reveal in Finder where images in Photos are physically saved on your Mac hard drive. There is a way to use Star ratings by assigning a shortcut to each Star tag but this is more cumbersome as Photos encourages you to use the Favorite system. The rating system is now simply “Favorite” or nothing.

Photos has abandoned the star rating system used to rate photos in iPhoto which will affect how it manages your photos compared to iPhoto. For those with very large collections, this is an important consideration before getting rid of iPhoto. If your iPhoto library is several GB or even TB in size, there’s nothing you can do to split them into more manageable chunks. There’s also no way to split large libraries in Photos. If you find this a useful feature to manage and organize your photos in iPhoto, then you’ll be frustrated by Photos. There’s simply no way to do this in Photos making it very frustrating to manage photos. In iPhoto, this feature allows you to merge or combine different Events. No Album MergingĪ follow on from this is that there’s no way to merge albums in Photos. This definitely takes some getting used and can be frustrating for those who have finally adapted to the iPhoto Events concept of doing things. When you import images into Photos however, all of your Events are lumped into one folder under the new Albums section (with a confusing subsection of “iPhotos Events”) which is a considerably different way of organizing your photos. IPhoto divided different albums or imports into different Events. JetPhoto Studio (Free For Non Commercial Use) We recommend the following geotagging apps for manually adding geotags before importing into Photos. If you’ve already removed iPhoto, there are also some third party services that can add geotags to your photos before you import them into Photos. If this is an important feature for you to track exactly where all of your travel shots were taken, there’s not much point upgrading to Photos. The only way to add GPS info to your photos at the moment is to do it in either iPhoto or another third party application, and then import the photos into Photos. Although any geotags that you have added in iPhoto or Aperture will be imported into Photos, there’s no way to manually add geotags to images in Photos. There is a way to do it with selected photos, but not all of them.

There’s also no way to see a map of the world with all of your photo’s GPS coordinates mapped out as you could with Places in iPhoto. Probably the biggest omission from Photos is the possibility to add geotags to your photos. We’re not saying that Photos is necessarily a bad app – this is just a warning for those that are big fans of certain features in iPhoto. These are some of the most important features to be aware of that are either missing or considerably different in Photos v iPhoto on Mac. JetPhoto Studio (Free For Non Commercial Use).